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    廚具衛浴設備     家具製造工廠
    沙發製造銷售     系統家具廠商
    戶外休閒傢俱     神櫥佛具製造
    裝潢設計公司     兒童家具製造
    辦公家具製造     家具量販賣場
    五金原木組件     家飾藝品相關
    各類地板地材     住屋修繕工程
    地毯家飾製造     金屬家具製造
    室內設計相關     廚具衛浴設備
    學校家具製造     寢具棉被製造
    原木實木家具     外銷傢俱製造
    二手家具     床組、彈簧床
G.D. DORIGO spa >> 聯絡資訊 >> 公司簡介
▼ 聯絡資訊
公司名稱: G.D. DORIGO spa 聯  絡  人:
聯絡電話: 0438-840153 通訊地址: Via G. Pascoli, 23 31053 Pieve di Soligo TV
傳真電話: 0438-82268 公司網址: http://www.gd-dorigo.com
▼ 公司簡介

GD Dorigo, active since 1975 as an artisan company, is, since 1981, a modern industry manufacturer of wooden doors, in the van in the sector thanks to the advanced level of the equipments and to the vocation for the research and innovation.

The brand GD Dorigo characterizes worthy products with a particular care to details and built with selected veneers; strong, reliable and lasting doors produced with the same attention of the artisan masters of the past. The most evolved technologies increase the perfection grade of the finishings that makes the door GD Dorigo a practical and functional furnishing system.

The certification according to the ISO norms confirms the top quality level of the production system and is a further guarantee of reliability for the buyers.

The market has rewarded the hard work of the company, that has been able to understand the change of taste and sensibility of the public with choices favourably appreciated.

The decision to enter resolutely in the design universe is a confirmation of the ability to extend and diversify the proposals, intercepting the emerging tendencies in the décor and in the architecture; an orientation impressed for ever in the genetic code of the company.








電子郵件信箱:bs.jj@msa.hinet.net  電話:(02)2688-1676  傳真:(02)2688-1936