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全翃寢具有限公司 >> 聯絡資訊 >> 公司簡介
▼ 聯絡資訊
公司名稱: 全翃寢具有限公司 聯  絡  人: 李有州
聯絡電話: 02-26372450 通訊地址: 新北市三芝區興華村田心子18-2號
傳真電話: 02-26371731 公司網址:
▼ 公司簡介



Chena Houn bedding limited company had been established in 1998, mainly is engaged in development manufacture of the bedding correlation commodity. We are hold the enthusiasm, vigor, dedicated service spirit zealously. We was persisting the native place develops the manufacture, and strict quality request for the sign, lets each customer feel warm, comfortable, and satisfactory service to promotes the high quality of life is our business objective.

多年以來,全翃寢具一向為提昇消費者更美好的生活品質為優先考量,強調生活上的舒適、美感、品味 ,我們對流行時尚具有敏銳之觀察度,亦充份表現在各項產品之中,設計開發崇尚品味、掌握流行、自然舒適為原則。主力產品有床被套、枕類、毛毯、床墊……等,無論是產品的花樣圖案、款式、色彩、材質…..等,皆為滿足消費者的需求而設計,有鑑於寢飾用品是消費大眾日常生活最切身相關、最重視的一環。為滿足消費者更多、更高品質的選擇,全翃寢具也開始代理許多國外知名流行品牌,或進口高級布料,開發更舒適溫暖的產品,以符合國人更高品質的需求。

Since many years, Chena Houn bedding limited company always for front burner to consider promoted the quality of consumer’s happier life, emphasized in the comfortable life, esthetic sense and savors. We have the keen view to consider the popular fashion, also the sufficient show in each item of product. Our principle of design development was advocated in the savors, grasping popularly, nature comfortable.

Our major products have variety of bed sheet, bedcover, pillows, blankets, mattress….and so on. Nomatterwhat the pattern of products, design, color and material quality, all design for meets the consumer's need. Bedding products had played the most important part of life, it became a matter of highly value which personal correlation, most attention in our daily life. In order to satisfy the consumer to be more higher quality demand, we also starts to act many overseas well-known popular brands, or import the cotton material of high-quality to develop many more warm, comfortable product, in order to meet consumer’s higher quality demand.

我們有幸可以標榜『Made in Taiwan』的品牌立足台灣,確立了發展的方向,也相信素以品質導向的我們,隨時可接受大環境嚴苛的挑戰,當然這也代表了全翃在過去的銷售成績與成長普遍受到客戶的認同。我們將秉持著生產精準與專注的精神,致力打造出更好的品質、更公道的價格以回饋社會。本公司深耕於開發與行銷,並致力拓展每個通路市場,期許以快速、準確的精神提供客戶最完美的產品、最完善的售後服務。隨時隨地以滿足顧客需求為己任,以朝向更美好的未來為目標而持續努力。

We may flaunt fortunately 'Made in Taiwan' the brand bases in Taiwan, it’s not only established the direction of development, but also believed our quality may accept the challenge of severe environment. It represented our products had the generally approval by customer in the past sales growth and good performance.

We will grasp are producing accurately and dedicated spirit to make highly quality, more justice price to feedback our society. Our company constantly in the development of products,p=after-care+service" target=_blank>after-care service. Anytime and anywhere take meets the customer’s need as own duty, and keep make effort to reach our goals for the happier future.

※ 在此歡迎旅館.民宿業者.飯店.主題渡假中心…等工商業界來電洽詢.下單訂購.數量多另有優惠

Welcome hotels, motels, restaurants, resorts …. and so on correlation business circles by phone call or E-mail inquires about purchase, order. A lot of quantity has the addition benefit and discount.








電子郵件信箱:bs.jj@msa.hinet.net  電話:(02)2688-1676  傳真:(02)2688-1936