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山立國際貿易有限公司 >> 聯絡資訊 >> 公司簡介
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公司名稱: 山立國際貿易有限公司 聯  絡  人:
聯絡電話: 02-25567191 通訊地址: 台北市南京西路155巷7號
傳真電話: 公司網址: http://jackiesunny.com.tw/
▼ 公司簡介

Carnivale du Vin 2008 is initiating efforts that encourage sustainable improvements to our community. Each year, we ask our visiting chefs and vintners to showcase their passion through unique culinary pairings with the season’s finest offerings.

The live auction features organic experiences that bring one closer to the vine. From rare visits to wineries for tasting adventures to chefs sharing their natural food philosophies, we explore the local bounty and gain awareness of the soil along the way.

This year, as our esteemed Krewe du Vin of chefs, vintners and entertainers gathers for the 4th annual Carnivale du Vin, will we continue to improve the quality of life for the youth of the Gulf Coast region and to preserve our environment when and where we can.

See the Krewe du Vin page for learn more about our amazing 2008 chefs and vintners.

山立國際貿易有限公司 Sunny World Int'l trading co.,ltd.
積奇國際貿易公司 Jackie Int'l trading co.,ltd.
電話:02-2556 7191 / 02-2552 3661








電子郵件信箱:bs.jj@msa.hinet.net  電話:(02)2688-1676  傳真:(02)2688-1936