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    廚具衛浴設備     家具製造工廠
    沙發製造銷售     系統家具廠商
    戶外休閒傢俱     神櫥佛具製造
    裝潢設計公司     兒童家具製造
    辦公家具製造     家具量販賣場
    五金原木組件     家飾藝品相關
    各類地板地材     住屋修繕工程
    地毯家飾製造     金屬家具製造
    室內設計相關     廚具衛浴設備
    學校家具製造     寢具棉被製造
    原木實木家具     外銷傢俱製造
    二手家具     床組、彈簧床
Jenfeng Furniture Co., >> 聯絡資訊 >> 公司簡介
▼ 聯絡資訊
公司名稱: Jenfeng Furniture Co., 聯  絡  人: 小楊
聯絡電話: 02-29007355 通訊地址: 新北市泰山區義仁村磚雅厝路3-3號
傳真電話: 02-29001077 公司網址:
▼ 公司簡介

Jen Feng Furniture is a Taiwan-based company established in 1975 by our president Mr. Wang who has a well experience in home furniture industry over 30 years. Jen Feng Co., is one of the leading position at import / export market and Taiwan domestic wholesaler in the home furniture business. Until now, we are persistently developing the ergonomic designs and excellent quality products in dedicating to the essences of inventing, learning, designing and innovation.

We are viewed our R&D team as our most valuable asset and assigned them visiting the exhibition annually held in around the worldwide such as German IMM Cologne, Singapore IMM, Malaysia MIFF, Italy Salone, China CIFF, Hong Kong China Sourcing Fair Home Products 2010 and more. Hence, they are able to interact with their creative ideas with the first-class designers came from all over the world. They are not only enhancing their knowledge but also improving their personal skill to bring in more innovative concepts into your life. Best of all, we are creating a win-win situation to meet all cutomers' needs and more closedly both relations with our strategical partners worldwide.

We would like to invite you to visit our Website: www.jenfengfurniture.com to get more information. If you are interested in any of our product or having any further questions, we are very delight to assist in your any request.








電子郵件信箱:bs.jj@msa.hinet.net  電話:(02)2688-1676  傳真:(02)2688-1936