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    廚具衛浴設備     家具製造工廠
    沙發製造銷售     系統家具廠商
    戶外休閒傢俱     神櫥佛具製造
    裝潢設計公司     兒童家具製造
    辦公家具製造     家具量販賣場
    五金原木組件     家飾藝品相關
    各類地板地材     住屋修繕工程
    地毯家飾製造     金屬家具製造
    室內設計相關     廚具衛浴設備
    學校家具製造     寢具棉被製造
    原木實木家具     外銷傢俱製造
    二手家具     床組、彈簧床
億諠五金-台北展示中心 >> 聯絡資訊 >> 公司簡介
▼ 聯絡資訊
公司名稱: 億諠五金-台北展示中心 聯  絡  人: 陳小姐
聯絡電話: 02-86716300 通訊地址: 新北市三峽區三樹路222巷196-30號
傳真電話: 02-86716228 公司網址: http://www.ehshine.com.tw/html/front/bin/ptlist.phtml?Category=114808
▼ 公司簡介

  億諠五金---以專業、研發生產傢俱五金,廚具五金,裝潢五金為主要產品。 二十多年來本著品質、誠信、創新的永續經營理念,深植企業的根,邁入全球巿 場,深獲好評。

  我們的經營團隊,以企業國際化、價格合理化、產品精進化的經營策略,履 創佳績。近幾年來為迅速服務巿場供需,已由台灣擴及大陸、泰國、越南等地區 加入生產與行銷行列,將與全球巿場接軌。使您的資訊和全球同步,已達和客戶 共同成長,創造雙贏為目的。


 E-Send Trading Co. is an integrated furniture hardware manufacturer, skilled in handling a full range of manufacturing processed from mold development to various types of surface treatment. With more than 20 years of experience, we have built up a strong reputation in Taiwan’s furniture industry for providing the best price, highest quality, fastest delivery.

 We produce a wide array of furniture and cabinet hardware items, including furniture handles, hinges, glass holders, dining table stands, and sofa glides. Our main products are furniture handles and sofa glides, which we export to the U.S., Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

 In addition to these markets, we are actively exploring new export ventures and extending our service around the world. To keep our costs highly competitive, we have production subsidiaries in mainland China, Vietnam, and Thailand. Our Taiwan operations include a plant in Changhua and three offices with exhibition centers in Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung to provide our customers with fast and convenient service.

 Professional, practical and reliable, E-Send Trading Co. is your best partner in the furniture hardware business!








電子郵件信箱:bs.jj@msa.hinet.net  電話:(02)2688-1676  傳真:(02)2688-1936