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    廚具衛浴設備     家具製造工廠
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    戶外休閒傢俱     神櫥佛具製造
    裝潢設計公司     兒童家具製造
    辦公家具製造     家具量販賣場
    五金原木組件     家飾藝品相關
    各類地板地材     住屋修繕工程
    地毯家飾製造     金屬家具製造
    室內設計相關     廚具衛浴設備
    學校家具製造     寢具棉被製造
    原木實木家具     外銷傢俱製造
    二手家具     床組、彈簧床
聯藝機械企業有限公司 >> 聯絡資訊 >> 公司簡介
▼ 聯絡資訊
公司名稱: 聯藝機械企業有限公司 聯  絡  人: Dubby Jhan
聯絡電話: 02-26101155 通訊地址: 新北市八里區仁愛路225號
傳真電話: 02-26101155 公司網址: http://www.linklabel.com
▼ 公司簡介
Link-Label machinery Co. Ltd. (Lien-Yi machinery) was established in 1980. Since then they design and produce their own label printing machines. Major products are LLR-300 /320 / 360 full rotary/ intermittent label printing machine, PLNCT-170-300 flatbed label printing machinery and other machines such as hot-stamping and die-cutting machines, slitter, sheeter , auto rewinder, computer hold puncher… and related products. They are designed for the production of small to medium volume label printing orders with short setting time and thus low material loss for start up. The Link-Label machines are easy to operate, fast speed, according to CE standards and have got TUV Certificate of Conformity and SGS Certificate of Compliance. These two certificates also include various patents. Link-Label machinery has its own R&D centre, which is heavily involved in developing new functions to further improve machine’s efficiency . We offer training courses for your production staff and our highly qualified after sales service team is at your disposal at the earliest convenience. Because printing technology is changing each passing day, Link-Label keeps up with this and continues to research and develop on the label market. We will keep on innovating and improving in order to reach and maintain the highest quality of service available for each customer. This is done by keeping in-touch with our international customers to share the latest label news and techniques.








電子郵件信箱:bs.jj@msa.hinet.net  電話:(02)2688-1676  傳真:(02)2688-1936