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    廚具衛浴設備     家具製造工廠
    沙發製造銷售     系統家具廠商
    戶外休閒傢俱     神櫥佛具製造
    裝潢設計公司     兒童家具製造
    辦公家具製造     家具量販賣場
    五金原木組件     家飾藝品相關
    各類地板地材     住屋修繕工程
    地毯家飾製造     金屬家具製造
    室內設計相關     廚具衛浴設備
    學校家具製造     寢具棉被製造
    原木實木家具     外銷傢俱製造
    二手家具     床組、彈簧床
Chung Sen Furniture >> 聯絡資訊 >> 公司簡介
▼ 聯絡資訊
公司名稱: Chung Sen Furniture 聯  絡  人: 張啟忠
聯絡電話: 02-22975770 通訊地址:
傳真電話: 02-22977229 公司網址: http://www.cs-home-office.com/
▼ 公司簡介

Chung Sen Furniture Corporation Limited has been established over 30 years in furniture production with head office located in Taichung. Taiwan. Through years cultivating in this field, it leads the company expanding the office and factory to China in the year 2004 Our products made in Taiwan and China are covering Home & Office Furnitures, including lines for commercial retails in Knok-down type with material in Wooden Board, MDF, PB, Honeycomb, Metal and Glass by a fully automatic production line.

Turnover:About USD 12-15 Million yearly.
Employees:Over 200 Members.
Space Size:Over 25,000 sqm.
Production Capacity:100 pca of containers per month.
Major Market:Asia, North America and Europe.
Main Products:PC-Desk(Stand), Workstation, Shelves,Cabinets,
        Coffee Table, TV Cabinet, Hi-Fi Stands, Book Case.








電子郵件信箱:bs.jj@msa.hinet.net  電話:(02)2688-1676  傳真:(02)2688-1936